Christophe Arviset is the Head of the Data Science and Archives Division, within the Science and Operations Department of ESA’s Directorate of Science at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain, close to Madrid. This includes the ESAC Science Data Centre, hosting data archives of more than 20 ESA space science missions, various data science activities in this context, as well as responsibility of technical IT infrastructure and services and other cross missions engineering activities to support Science Operations at ESA. He has been playing an active part of international data alliances (International Virtual Observatory Alliance, International Planetary Data Alliance and International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance) since their creation. He had been chairing the IVOA over 2014-2016 and is currently the chair of the IPDA. Initially Computer Science engineer by training, he has developed more than 25 years of experience in science operations with special focus on science data management, data archives, long term data preservation in the context of international collaboration.