The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures (ESCAPE) aims to address the Open Science challenges shared by ESFRI facilities (SKA, CTA, KM3Net, EST, ELT, HL-LHC, FAIR) as well as other pan-European research infrastructures (CERN, ESO, JIVE) in astronomy and particle physics (find them all here).
ESCAPE organisational structure has six work packages (WP) while the decision-making has five governance entities:
- General Assembly (E-GA): it is the ultimate decision making body of the consortium, with a representative of each partner as an assembly member.
- Executive Board (E-EB): It is a supervisory body for the execution of the Project and reports to the E-GA, ensuring as well that E-GA decisions are implemented in the project. It is composed by ESCAPE Coordinator and the WP leaders.
- Coordinator: member of both E-GA and E-EB, it acts as the intermediary between ESCAPE and EC. The Coordinator monitors the ESCAPE partners’ obligations, reviews the various ESCAPE reports and deliverables, administers the financial contribution to the EC and fulfills the financial tasks, amongst other activities.
- Management Support Team (E-MST): assists and facilitates the work of the Coordinator and the E-EB and executes the decisions made by the E-GA, while supporting the day-to-day and overall management of the ESCAPE project. On behalf of the coordinator, the E-MST collects and provides all necessary information from and to the partners (i.e. minutes of meetings, scientific and financial reports).
- External Advisory Board (E-EAB): independent experts, closely associated with the ESFRI projects, other related, that provide independent advice to the ESCAPE coordinator, and to conduct an independent assessment of the progress being made by the project. Members will be proposed by the coordinator but formally approved by the E-GA.
- ESFRI Projects Supervisory Committee (E-EPSC): A supervisory committee that involves the management boards of the ESFRI facilities and other major research infrastructures encompassed within ESCAPE is established. It liaises with the ESFRI facilities and the EOSC governing bodies on issues concerning the Open Science, rules and standards methodologies for data stewardship and long-term capacity for European research data.
- Work Packages Leaders (WP): ensure that the agreed work programme is followed and that the dates of milestones and deliverables are adhered to.

The overall governance and organisation of the ESCAPE project