The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) interoperability meeting held on-line 17-19 November 2020 was a formal milestone for the ESCAPE CEVO Work Package (ESCAPE Milestone 23 – Progress and priorities at IVOA(4)). It was the fourth IVOA meeting during the ESCAPE project and many results and works-in-progress of the CEVO Work Package have been presented. The representation of the ESCAPE partner priorities at the IVOA level has ensured that these are being taken into account in the development of the IVOA standards for global astronomy interoperability.
A detailed report outlining the progress of the CEVO Work Package activities that have been presented at the IVOA meeting, and the participation of ESCAPE partners (and also the wider European contributions) in IVOA is attached at the end of this page
The means of verification for these milestones are the IVOA meeting website and the record of ESCAPE participation in the meeting.
This on-line Interoperability meeting gathered 213 participants for the 3 day meeting. This meeting was held after the annual Astronomy Data Analysis and Software Systems (ADASS) conference continuing the well established practice of co-locating ADASS and the shorter (3 day) of the two annual IVOA meetings. The web pages, including the detailed schedule of the meeting and the list of participants is available at the links below.
• Meeting Page (hosted via INAF partner, and including participant list)
• Detailed IVOA Schedule Page
• Social Media : Hash-tag : #ivoa20virtual, Twitter :