"Milestone 17 was achieved by reviewing the actual progress of the common software and service proposition from the project partners and collecting the status of the onboarding processes to the OSSR.
Towards this goal, an internal OSSR progress workshop was organised on 2021/09/09, with the agenda and minutes available at https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/24857/.
The current OSSR repository contains 15 entries. The status of the onboarding processes of 19 partners has been gathered, and found that all software and services planned for onboarding (c.f. D3.2) will be integrated into OSSR by the end of the ESCAPE project.
In addition, the procedure of linking external repositories to the OSSR landing page, which will enrich the software and service portfolio, was discussed and a first implementation will be available by the end of the current reporting period."