The CEVO Work Package reached its third Milestone, namely the MS22 “Progress and priorities at IVOA(3)”. This milestone corresponds to the successful representation of ESCAPE progress and priorities at the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) interoperability meeting which was held as a virtual on-line meeting, 4-8 May 2020, following the cancellation of the physical meeting due to the covid-19 pandemic. Highlights include the formation of a IVOA Radio Astronomy Interest Group which was largely motivated by ESCAPE, and will facilitate the development of common standards for sharing radio astronomy data in line with ESCAPE partner needs. Also, the Provenance Data Model 1.0 was approved and mature implementations were presented by ESCAPE partners. There were 19 CEVO-led contributions at the meeting, including on the topic of science platforms (WP4-WP5 interaction) and machine learning with VO data (WP3-WP4 interaction), as well as many other topics directly related to the WP4 work plan (D4.1) and the priorities of ESFRIs and RIs.
The means of verification for this milestone is the IVOA meeting website and the record of ESCAPE participation in the meeting.
The IVOA Interoperability meeting web site and schedule can be found here:
A full report on the Milestone including a listing and links to all of the relevant presentations is attached below.