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Amsterdam Science Park

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01 July 2019 to 03 July 2019

ESCAPE is organising a workshop from 1st to 3rd July 2019, in Amsterdam Science Park. The workshop combines two topics that are being addressed by ESCAPE project: a Data Infrastructure for Open Science and a Scientific Analysis Platform for the participating ESFRI projects (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures).

In the workshop the involved ESCAPE Work Packages will organize the inputs already collected and incorporate new feedback from the scientific projects being part of ESCAPE. This process should lead to the definition of the ESCAPE Data Lake Cloud Service: a federated data infrastructure for open data, orchestrating resources at large national research data centres to build a robust cloud-like service. Such service will enable the ESCAPE scientific partners to curate and access data at the multi-Exabyte scale.

During the workshop, discussions will focus on defining this data lake architecture and its implementation plan that will lead to its first prototype. The workshop will benefit from the presence of GEANT and EGI, to discuss synergies between the initiatives and technical details related to their workplans.