
Views 16,336

02 December 2020 to 04 December 2020

The First ESCAPE Citizen Science Workshop will feature showcases of successful citizen science projects in several research fields covered by the ESCAPE Science Partners. There will also be a series of hands-on tutorials in which you will learn how to build your own citizen science project, implement advanced statistical aggregation methods and integrate machine learning.

Purpose & Scope

The 3-day workshop will introduce a set of tools and frameworks that science researchers can use to build engaging citizen science projects. On the first day, we will introduce the tools and hear from experienced citizen science practitioners, who will share their experiences and outline best practices for designing, deploying and managing citizen science projects. The second day will feature series of hands-on tutorials in which participants will learn how to build citizen science projects, implement intelligent consensus and aggregation rules and integrate machine learning. On the final day, participants will have the opportunity to start building their own citizen science projects with help and advice from experts and experienced researchers.

Who should attend?

The workshop is aimed at researchers in fields that are aligned with the ESCAPE ESFRI projects. We welcome all interested ESCAPE members but we particularly encourage participation for researchers with existing ideas about how citizen science might be used to further their research. 

Key Benefits?

Attendees will learn how to build citizen science projects that will enhance the quality and impact of their research. They will learn about the advanced technologies that can be coupled with their projects to improve accuracy and efficiency. They will also learn how citizen science can be used in conjunction with machine learning to generate training data and refine the predictions of trained machine learning models.

Draft Agenda

Wednesday, 2 December

  • 13:00 → 13:30 Welcome: Introduction and the agenda for day 1. A short overview of the logistics, topics and goals for the meeting.
  • 13:30 → 14:30 What is possible?: A showcase of existing citizen science projects. Learn how you can use citizen science in your research.
  • 14:30 → 14:45 Break
  • 14:45 → 15:45 What is possible?: A showcase of technologies for citizen science. Learn how you can use citizen science in your research.
  • 15:45 → 16:00 Break
  • 16:00 → 17:00 What is possible?: Building a project using the Zooniverse project builder.


Thursday, 3 December

  • 13:00 → 13:15 Welcome: Agenda for day 2.
  • 13:15 → 14:15 Tutorials: Building a Zooniverse Projects. Hands-on tutorials using citizen science tools and technologies.
  • 14:15 → 14:30 Break
  • 14:30 → 15:30 Tutorials: The Caesar Engine: Advanced aggregation and retirement. Hands-on tutorials using citizen science tools and technologies.
  • 15:30 → 15:45 Break
  • 15:45 → 16:45 Tutorials: Integrating Machine Learning Hands-on tutorials using citizen science tools and technologies.


Friday, 4 December

  • 13:00 → 13:15 Welcome: Agenda for day 3.
  • 13:15 → 17:00 Project Building: Build your own projects. Start building your projects with help from the experts


Registration for the workshop is mandatory. REGISTER HERE