Orsay, France

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14 October 2019 to 16 October 2019

With a view on exploring synergies in research and organisation, the European communities of particle, nuclear and astroparticle physics participate for the first time in a joint three-day seminar with more than 200 participants. This first Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC Seminar (JENAS) was jointly organized by LAL, IPNO, IRFU and LPNHE from October 14 to October  16, 2019 in Orsay.

A first triennial 3-day Joint Seminar is being organised by the European representative committees/consortia, APPEC for astroparticle physics, ECFA for particle physics and NuPECC for nuclear physics. Facilitated by the local organisers in the Paris region, the intention is to inform the communities about each other’s scientific, technological and organisational challenges and successes, as well as to identify and explore potential synergies and avenues for collaboration across communities. Additional to the physics highlights and the evolution of theoretical research, also topics related to for example detector R&D, technology, software and computing, valorisation, outreach, education will be scheduled in plenary talks.

Giovanni Lamanna, ESCAPE project coordinator, introduced the participants with EOSC and role of the ESCAPE cluster as part of this initiative.