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16 November 2020 to 19 November 2020

EOSChub, FREYA and SSHOC are joining forces in shaping the EOSC. These projects invite social science and humanities researchers, data experts, research funders, policy makers, and representatives from research infrastructures, service providers, research libraries and archives, the EOSC Ecosystem, and ESFRI Cluster projects to join the online event and find out what they have to offer and how to get involved. The main objectives of the four-day program are to: 

  • Showcase the results achieved to date in each project
  • Teach you to use the new tools and techniques developed to improve your data FAIRness and prepare your data and services to be aggregated into the EOSC Portal
  • Identify and onboard new members to project communities
  • Foster citizen science and collaborations with industry

Through interactive sessions, expert panels, live demonstrations, and discussions the event will cover:

  • Data policy and governance
  • Technology and infrastructure
  • Training and community building
  • Sustainability management


ESCAPE was invited to be one of the speakers for "Thematic Discovery Marketplaces for the European Open Science Cloud", on 16th November at 11.00AM, along with the other EOSC Cluster Projects. Kay Graff (member of ESCAPE and ) will present the ESCAPE OSSR (Open-source scientific Software and Service Repository), a ESCAPE repository to share scientific software and services to the science community and enable open science.

This session will aim to showcase the ecosystem of thematic marketplaces for the EOSC and their role as aggregators, their ad. EOSChub will kickstart the session by painting the landscape and to start with landscape and the recently published EOSC Iron Lady report. All 5 EOSC cluster projects highlight how each of their value propositions relate to the EOSC portal based on  key lines of activities that cluster projects need to align on with the EOSC portal for aggregation such as UX design & development, content & sources, curation & governance.  We’ll discover the similarities and differences in these approaches, share best practices and identify possibilities for future collaborations. 


For any information on the event please contact info@eosc-hub.eu, info@project-freya.eu or info@sshopencloud.eu,

Official event webpage: https://www.eosc-hub.eu/events/realising-european-open-science-cloud