Espoo, Finland

Views 12,696

27 September 2019

21 October, 12.00 - 16.00, Helsinki

 A discussion forum for all five ESFRI cluster projects (namely ESCAPE), RDA Working and Interest Groups, and EOSC representatives on our journey to EOSC. Seats are limited, register here to join the event.

The event will focus on the technical, social and governance issues we all face. What can we learn from each other and take back to the data communities we serve?

Connecting to EOSC

The five European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) cluster projects provide a gathering point for various ESFRI Research Infrastructures to connect to European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in large thematic domains: 

  • ENVRI-FAIR - Europe’s environmental research infrastructures 
  • EOSC-life - creating EOSC for the life sciences 
  • ESCAPE - astronomy & particle physics cluster
  • PaNOSC - Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud 
  • SSHOC - Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud 

ESCAPE is being represented by Marco Molinaro (INAF), who will present ESCAPE's Virtual Observatory: what it is and how it will connect to the EOSC?

Who should attend

The EOSC and Research Data Communities: Researchers, RIs in EOSC cluster projects, ESFRI, research data experts, RDA communities (working and interest group members)

Main points of discussion

  • Defining ESFRI cluster commonalities
  • Leveraging RDA building blocks
  • Data services
  • Connecting to research communities
  • Governance and how to connect to EOSC
  • Collaborations 
  • Research data policies and standards
  • Research data management and stewardship
  • FAIR data sharing and publishing domain data in the EOSC 
  • FAIR tools and services, exposed in the EOSC catalogue of services

Find the agenda here

Coordinated by the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC). Please note that the event is co-located with the RDA 14th Plenary and will take place at Aalto University, DIPOLI, Otakaari 24, Otaniemi, Espoo. Participants attending this event only, do not have to pay the RDA Plenary 14 registration fee.

About SSHOC: SSHOC is one of five cluster projects within the larger European Open Science Cloud initiative. The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud unites 20 partner organisations and a further 27 associates realising the vision articulated by the European Commission in 2016: To offer researchers in the social sciences and humanities seamless access to a full and unified panorama of flexible, scalable, relevant data and the services, tools and training required to make optimal use of that data.