Budapest, Hungary

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26 November 2019 to 28 November 2019

“Where the EOSC makers & shakers meet”

The EOSC Symposium is one of the largest, yearly EOSC events. It is co-organised by the EOSCsecretariat project and the main ICT eInfrastructures initiatives, namely, EOSC-hub, GEANT, OpenAIRE and PRACE in collaboration with the EOSC Governance Board, Executive Board and its Working Groups (Architecture, FAIR, Landscape, Rules of Participation, Sustainability.) The event will see two intense and stimulating days for all stakeholders to contribute to discussion on the implementation of the EOSC. The EOSC Symposium represents a fundamental milestone in the EOSC roadmap. It builds on the legacy of the former Digital Infrastructure for Research (DI4R) event series and the EOSC Stakeholder Forum events organised by the EOSCPilot project.

Taking place from the 26th to the 28th of November 2019, in Budapest, Hungary, at the stunning Danubius Hotel Helia, the EOSC Symposium will bring together the shakers and makers in the growing EOSC community.

The EOSC Symposium 2019 will be co-located with the EOSC Coordination day (28-29 November 2019). Open only to EOSC related projects, the event is a follow up of the joint RTD - CNECT concertation meeting that took place in Brussels on 9-10 of September 2019. It will provide a platform for projects foster collaboration and address challenges together. The agenda of the EOSC Coordination day will be published soon.

ESCAPE involvment

ESCAPE will be well represented during this event with active participation in various sessions.

  • On 27th November 2019,  from 11:30 to 13:00, room Uranus, Francoise Genova, an ESCAPE member and  EB FAIR working group member from the Observatoire de Strasbourg, will chair the breakout session "FAIR Service Certification". The objective is to gather inputs from the audience on FAIR certification of services, including data repositories - requirements, feedback, etc.  Know more about this breakout session
  • Poster sessions: Look out for the ESCAPE poster to learn more about exploitable results of ESCAPE that can contribute to the EOSC establishment. Join us on Wednesday 27th of November 2019, 11.30-13.00 CET, Room, at Helia conference hall.

Regarding ESCAPE contribution to EOSC, maybe ESCAPE members are actively involved in the EOSC Architecture Working group. Their contributions is based on the innovation of distributed computing infrastructures and new computing architectures, e.g. federated computing infrastructures in the WLCG and EGEE/EGI initiatives, as well as national integrated supercomputing facilities (i.e. HPC centres, DiRAC, PRACE, etc). ESCAPE partners have direct involvement of ESFRI and other world-class projects to bring together software, services as well as datasets from telescopes, detectors and accelerators to develop a unique multi-messenger and cross-domain repository along with a science platform for fundamental science.

Who should attend? 

EOSC Coalition of Doers & their evolved activities, Research & Academic institution representatives, Research Communities , Business organisations, all of the EOSC-family of related projects, EU eInfrastructures and Research Infrastructures, policy makers, funding agencies, industry representatives, HPC centers, SDOs, citizen scientists, long tail of science, publishers, Data service providers.

Know more about this symposium and register