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30 August 2021

The second ESCAPE progress meeting will take place online on 29 September 2021.

After the ESCAPE kickoff meeting in February 2019, and a 1st Progress Meeting in February 2020, this one-day progress meeting will bring together the H2020-ESCAPE consortium members, ESCAPE General Assembly members, ESCAPE external expert advisory board members as well as members from EOSC stakeholder projects.

Meeting Date:  29 September 2021

Registration deadline: 13 September 2021

Meeting Venue: Online

Objective of the meeting:

  • Morning : The first day of the event will be a dedicated to technical discussions to encourage cross-workpackage discussions within ESCAPE project members.  Morning will be open to all the ESCAPE consortium members and invitees from EOSC stakeholder projects.
  • Afternoon : The afternoon session however will be a closed session and it will be open EXCLUSIVELY to ESCAPE General Assembly, External Expert Advisory Board and Executive board members. 


More info and registration