The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) will be the first users of the ESCAPE Science Analysis Platform (ESAP), an ESCAPE service that aims to provide a flexible and expandable analysis environment for the astronomy and physics community and constitute an essential resource for the big data challenges of the next generation of ESFRIs. To build this concept of a high-performance, ESCAPE organized a “Use Case Requirements Workshop”, on 16-17 April 2019 in Groningen (The Netherlands) at the Centre for Information Technology (CIT) of the University of Groningen.

In order to define the shape of ESAP, each ESFRI partner was invited to give its own vision of the tool and its needs with regard to this project. ESFRI partners also gave short presentations regarding their research facilities but also their computing, storage and network requirements. Three speakers were invited to talk about Virtual Observatory (University of Edinburgh), European Open Science Cloud service Functions-as-a-Service (Deutches Elektronen-Synchrotron), and Jupyter Notebook as an interface (Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry, European Research Infrastructure Consortium). They presented relevant examples and experience about their use cases and helped guide the discussions that took place. This was very important for the identification of the ESAP components. Plus, the implementation priorities for each of the services were discussed in several sessions.

The analysis of the ESFRI survey, the themes of the workshop discussions and the summary of the ESFRI use case requirements will be summarized in a report published in October 2019. This document will provide a description of user needs and thus guide the design of the ESAP.

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