ESCAPE was invited by eInfraCentral to join researchers from public and private sectors, e-infrastructure service providers, research infrastructures and policy-makers at the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) community event on 20 June 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, eInfraCentral is one of the key building blocks in the implementation of the EOSC Portal.

ESCAPE was represented at this event through the participation to a panel on « Enhancing the value proposition of the EOSC Portal for the Research Infrastructure community and their users ». This discussion brought together a number of eInfrastructure representatives of the eInfraCentral project (GEANT, EGI, EUDAT, OpenAIRE) research infrastructures of thematically focused EOSC projects (ESCAPE and ENVRI-FAIR). These initiatives debated about key-questions that are crucial for a successful implementation of EOSC, such as:

  • Added value of the EOSC Portal and its overall functions in the future;
  • Skills perspective within EOSC capturing integration of e.g. various training materials;
  • Data and service discovery in the EOSC portal e.g. searching for data and services within several disciplinary catalogues, combining, automating and feeding in an optimal way services and data into the EOSC catalogue, etc.  

Some of the takeaways of this panel discussion were that the EOSC portal has to be universal to facilitate access for researchers and shall provide incentives for users, namely include free access to services & recognition for the work done.

This event was an excellent opportunity to present ESCAPE's vision of open science and more precisely the EOSC portal with the EOSC community and other stakeholders. During its 42-month timeframe, ESCAPE endorses common approaches for open data management of European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) projects, while creating a cross-border open environment to contribute in setting up the EOSC services.


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