On 21 October, during the Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting in Helsinki, representatives from EOSC, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) cluster projects ENVRI-FAIR, ESCAPE, PaNOSC, SSHOC , and the RDA Working and Interest Groups, were invited to discuss mutual commonalities and opportunities for collaboration. A cross-section of some 40 individuals attended the 4 hour workshop. 

At this event, Marco Molinaro (INAF, ESCAPE) related how using the Virtual Observatory Framework, applying the FAIR principles, and establishing  data stewardship practices is adding value to the scientific content of the ESFRI data archives.

With the launch of EOSC and the EOSC-hub, clear differences have emerged between the priorities of infrastructure initiatives looking to provide stable general data management services, and the research communities with their focus on specific, short-term c research data workflows.Obviously, the need for research data services to be findable and usable by projects and users is common to both groups, and in this regard, there is much to be learned from the international research data community.

"From my point of view, one outcome of that event was the clear indication that the 5 cluster projects need more direct connection also in view of sharing technical requirements and solutions. The IVOA architecture and maturity level impressed the audience and the fact that it took quite two decades to reach this stage of maturity gave some idea of how (feasibly?) fast EOSC is asked to respond to a wider request.", Marco Molinaro explained.

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