In 2021, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The EOSC Symposium 2021 took place over four exciting days, providing a key engagement opportunity for the EOSC community. Within this community, Science Clusters are collaborating to link the ESFRI and other world-class Research Infrastructures to EOSC, contributing to the development and implementation of EOSC.

Mark Allen, ESCAPE Connecting ESFRI projects to EOSC through VO framework (CEVO) Working Package leader, represented the ESCAPE cluster project in the discussion sessions on Interoperability challenges for thematic communities. He shared how the five ESCAPE services will be connected to EOSC.

"How can we access and discover data in EOSC ? What are the technologies and standards necessary to integrate the existing and new thematic services into EOSC ? What are the connection points?", questions Mark Allen. "Our main challenge in the ESCAPE CEVO team is the seamless connection of ESFRIs and other astronomy and astroparticle research infrastructures (RI) to the EOSC through the ESCAPE Virtual Observatory (VO). And on the symposium itself, it was great to discuss with colleagues from other Science Cluster projects who also use and implement cross-fertilization environments for their concerned domains and therefore face the same technical and social issues".


On the same day, Stephen Serjeant, ESCAPE Engagement and Comunication Working Package leader, stressed the importance of involving citizens in a large-scale projects like EOSC with a provocative yet sensible presentation: "Provocative statement 1: Making FAIR data is easy compared to making FAIR data useful", said Stephen Serjeant, adding "Provocative statement 2: The science-inclined public is both the largest and most overlooked group of EOSC stakeholders. Provocative statement 3: Citizen Science is not Outreach", and finishing with a "Final provocative statement: no single EOSC interface will suit everyone."


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09:00 - 10:45

Expanding EOSC participation by a factor of a thousand: citizen science in the EOSC (download the presentation)

Stephen Serjeant, Open University & ESCAPE

Breakout session - Interoperability challenges for thematic communities

ESCAPE interoperability of data and services (download the presentation)

Mark Allen, CNRS & ESCAPE


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