Shaping the implementation of EOSC – ESCAPE members in the EOSC Task Forces

ESCAPE members are supporting the next phase of shaping the EOSC, revolutionising how science is done in Europe as members from five ESCAPE partners were selected to join several European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Task Forces (TFs).

The EOSC TFs aim to address key areas of EOSC implementation, by offering feedback on EOSC developments and providing input on strategic gaps and areas for investment to input the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The SRIA is a key policy instrument in the EU, since it will affect the future work programmes of Horizon Europe, the ambitious EU research & innovation framework programme for 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion.

ESCAPE Members Expertise sought by EOSC Association

The is the legal entity established to govern the EOSC, with over 200 members and observers, playing an important role in helping to coordinate and steer these investments via its Task Forces and other governance structures.

The EOSC TFs, created in September 2021, are grouped under five thematic EOSC Advisory Groups, which provide light coordination between them and a liaison with the EOSC Association Board of Directors. Each TF has a Charter that defines its objectives and activities till August 2023.

See below who from ESCAPE organisation partners were selected to join the TFs and shape the EOSC development, from a fierce selection process which had over 540 applications!

Researcher Engagement and Adoption Task Force

The Researcher Engagement & Adoption TF focuses on engaging diverse research communities in order to increase their participation in EOSC. It will provide concrete plans to facilitate the onboarding of researchers in the EOSC ecosystem. More about the main goals of this TF here.

Technical Interoperability of Data and Services Task Force

The Technical Interoperability of Data and Services TF is the largest TF (over 60 members) and will take the EOSC Interoperability Framework recommendations around technical architecture as their starting point to help develop the EOSC Core and Exchange as described in the SRIA. More about this TF work plan here.

Financial Sustainability Task Force

This TF will produce a proposal for long term financial sustainability of the main building blocks of EOSC: EOSC-Core, EOSC-Exchange and the Federation of Data & Data Services as defined in the FAIR Lady report “Solutions for a Sustainable EOSC”. More info here.

Infrastructures for Quality Research Software Task Force

The Infrastructures for Quality Research Software TF aims to foster the development and deployment of tools and services that allow researchers to properly archive, reference, describe with proper metadata, share and reuse research software, as well as to improve their quality, both from the technical and organizational point of view. It will identify standard-based best practices to write quality research software and identify both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to provide unbiased measurement of quality. More info here.

Semantic Interoperability Task Force

The Semantic Interoperability Task Force is focused on metadata standards and will provide recommendations on how to allow the alignment/matching of semantic artefacts and implement semantic interoperability. More info here.


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