SSHOC aims to develop the social sciences and humanities area of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), to promote synergies and open science initiatives between disciplines, and to accelerate interdisciplinary research and collaboration in the Social Sciences & Humanities field. Transform the current social sciences & humanities data landscape with its disciplinary silos and separate facilities into an integrated, cloud-based network of interconnected data infrastructures.
Collaboration with ESCAPE:
ESCAPE, along with EOSC-Life and the other ESFRI cluster projects (SSHOC, PANOSC and ENVRI-FAIR) meet periodically to join forces in facilitating access to research data for incorporation into EOSC by developing shared data management methodologies, new services, and technical solutions in collaboration with European infrastructures and other EOSC-related projects.
ESCAPE was also invited by SSHOC to join the “EOSC Services, Collaborations, and the RDA” side event, organised by SSHOC and Research Data Alliance (RDA). The goal of the event was to discuss commonalities and collaborative solutions for community research data services. This discussion forum focused on the technical, social and governance issues. Following five ESFRI cluster projects were invited to present their vision of the EOSC.
Expected Impact:
Build a Test Science Case where research & software developers can practice their requirements “to create an EOSC powered system” to test, validate their needs in an open access, open data and a virtual access environment for Federating in Science