Virtual (Brazil)

On the Future of Data Centers and eScience Institutes Workshop
Views 16,124

13 April 2021 to 15 April 2021

This workshop, taking place remotely April 13-15, will bring together representatives of some of the more important data centers, eScience institutes and IT companies to discuss current solutions and new technological trends as data volumes from modern experiments such as LSST, Euclid and SKA continue to grow. The workshop will be entirely remote and there will be no registration fee. Those interested in participating, please register here. Participants will receive connection information on April 12.

ESCAPE was invited to be one of the speakers to present " The ESCAPE project - objectives and plans", on 13th April at 12.00 AM (UTC-3 timezone). Ian Bird (member of ESCAPE and Project Scientist at LAPP) will present the ESCAPE project and its general objectives, in a 30-minute presentation (download the presentation).

The ESCAPE project brings together 11 ESFRI and other Research Infrastructures in Astronomy, Astro-Particle, Particle and Nuclear Physics for the first time. It is one of 5 such thematic science cluster projects that are integrating communities, infrastructure and research tools as contributions to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). ESCAPE is building the next-generation data management infrastructure ("data-lake") to provide FAIR data management at exabyte scales, capable of delivering data to distributed high performance analysis and compute facilities. That is complemented by work on a software infrastructure, enabling sharing of the research tools and products, an integration of the International Virtual Observatory (IVOA) framework into the proto-EOSC an high level science platforms. ESCAPE is currently planning two science challenges, one on Dark Matter and the second on Gravitational Waves and the Extreme Universe, which together will demonstrate the capabilities of open data and cross-domain science. This talk will give an overview of the ESCAPE work and output, the two science projects, and will look at the prospects for how this all feeds into the first implementation of the EOSC.




Official event webpage: https://workshop2021.linea.gov.br