Strasbourg, France and virtual

EOSC Policy Event
Views 21,493

03 May 2022

The EOSC Policy Event takes place on 3rd May 2022 and is organised in collaboration with the EOSC Association, the EOSC Steering Board, the European Commission and University of Strasbourg, an EOSC Policy event in Strasbourg (France).

The one-day event will centre on the European policy context surrounding and supporting the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative. The agenda’s panel discussions and presentations will tackle a host of trending topics, using concrete implementation examples, including the status and progress of open science, EOSC more generally, FAIR data and policies.  

ESCAPE at the event

Mark Allen, Director of the Strasbourg Astronomical data Centre and leader of ESCAPE CEVO (Connecting ESFRI projects to EOSC through VO framework) team, will be a panellist at "EOSC/FAIR Data Policies: National & European alignment" session and will do a presentation entitled "Enabling Open Science: International dimensions – the example of Astronomy". Mark presented ESCAPE Virtual Observatory, a FAIR platform for reusable Science, which allows an interoperable access to International Astronomy Data in one single place, thanks to IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance) Standards.