Dany completed his PhD in astronomy at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. He since worked as research scientist and software engineer at ADACS (Astronomy Data and Computing Services) in collaboration with various research groups from the Australian astronomy community. Dany moved to the Netherlands in 2018 to work as postdoctoral researcher at ASTRON, the Netherland Institute for Radio Astronomy, taking part of a survey for Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) with the WSRT and LOFAR telescopes. Dany currently works as research associate at the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam and affiliated scientific researcher at ASTRON. His research interests include time-domain astronomy, transients, astroinformatics, and visual analytics. Dany currently runs a search for the elusive intermediate-mass black holes and persistent radio sources in large astronomical catalogues, with an aim to shed light on their potential role regarding the FRB phenomenon.