Ron Dekker is associate consultant at Tecnopolis Group Belgium, where he coordinates the Open Science Team and leads EOSC Future, a large EC H2020 project on the European Open Science Cloud.
His strenght is to connect people and to realise operation in complex environments. Ron has expertise in Operational Management, Research Infrastructures, Open Science Policy, Granting Procedures and Research Institute Management, on national and international levels. Besides Dutch as native language, he has excellent levels on conversation, reading and writing in English and German.
He has been director of CESSDA ERIC March 2017-February 2022, the consortium of Social Science Data Archices, a European Research Infrastructure with 23 member countries and the main office in Normay.
He was project leader at the NL Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, working towards Council Conclusions on Open Science. After this, he joined the EC (DG RTD) as Seconded National Expert and served as Secretary of the Open Science Policy Platform.
Ron worked for 17 years at the Dutch Research Council NWO, being responsible for business operations in ICT, Finance and the Management of NWO's research institutes. He served as Head of Delegation for BE/NL at the ESRF Synchrotron Council in Grenoble 2007-2017 and was Acting Director at SURF.
He studied Econometrics and was a researcher in Labour Market Research for 10 years. During his research period, he specialised in Data Management & Methodology, incl. the design, collection and analysis of large surveys among school leavers.