
Views 491,154

06 June 2023

The Dark Matter Science Project, developed in the context of the ESCAPE project, is bringing to light the synergies between different dark matter communities and experiments, producing new scientific results as well as making the necessary data and software tools fully available. 

During this webinar, Elena Gazzarrini (European Organization for Nuclear Research – CERN) and Jared Little (Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique des Particules – LAPP) will present the Dark Matter Science Project and the ongoing collaboration, as part of the EOSC Future project, between scientists in European Research Infrastructures and experiments seeking to explain the nature of dark matter (such as HL-LHC, KM3NeT, CTA, DarkSide). 

The interactive presentations and discussions will:

  • outline the experimental data and software algorithms from selected direct detection, indirect detection and particle collider experiments involved in ESCAPE
  • present prototypes for end-to-end analysis pipelines on a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) that is being prepared as one of the building blocks of EOSC
  • describe the implementation of the workflows of the VRE, the ESCAPE tools (such as the Data Lake and REANA) and the prospects for data management, data analysis and computing.

Information and registration on the event website: https://eoscfuture.eu/eventsfuture/dark-matter-an-eosc-future-science-project-webinar/