The National Institute for Aerospace Technology (Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial - INTA) is the Spanish Public Research Organization specialized in aerospace research and technology development. Its main responsibilities are the acquisition, maintenance and continuous improvement of all those technologies that can be applied to the aerospace field; to perform all types of tests to check, approve and certify materials, components equipment items, subsystems and systems that have an aerospace application; to provide technical assessment and services to official bodies and agencies, and to industrial or technological companies; and to act as a technological centre for the Ministry of Defence.
INTA hosts at Centro de Astrobiología the most important Spanish Astronomical Data Centre which, among others, provides Virtual Observatory compliant access to the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) and Calar Alto archives. GTC is the largest opticalinfrared telescope in the world whereas Calar Alto is the largest observatory in continental Europe.