CS3MESH4EOSC is a 3-year EU-funded project that addresses the challenges of the fragmentation of file and application services, digital sovereignty and the application of FAIR principles in the everyday practice of researchers. Initially, 7 major data services will be combined into ScienceMesh - a federated service mesh providing a frictionless collaboration platform for hundreds of thousands of users (researchers, engineers, students and staff). The service will offer easy access to data across institutional and geographical boundaries. The infrastructure will be gradually expanded and offered to the entire eduaction and research community in Europe and beyond. The initial service will connect SURFdrive, CERNBox, PSNCBox, CloudSTOR, Sciebo, owncloud@CESNET, SWITCHdrive and ScienceData. The CS3MESH4EOSC project will design, build and deploy the necessary technology to achieve this. CS3MESH4EOSC grew out of the CS3 community consisting of infrastructure builders and providers from the academic sector - servicing and supporting science, education and research.

CS3MESH4EOSC empowers service providers in delivering state-of-the-art, connected infrastructure to boost effective scientific collaboration across the entire federation and data sharing according to FAIR principles. A key result will be ScienceMesh - a mesh of connected data services for research and education. This will encompass: - using, promoting and contributing to developing APIs for server-to-server file-sharing - using, promoting and contributing to developing APIs for applications and file-service interoperability - implementing and deploying both set of APIs at core sites in the form of site services - creating services/functionality for seamless user selection and group creation across sites/services - creating services/functionality for metadata and seamless data publishing, searching and archiving Once created, the next key steps will be: - engaging with research communities and creating data-centric applications for selected scientific use cases - engaging with additional service providers and extending ScienceMesh into a pan-europan service, reaching users across the continent - engaging with industry players to further extend the reach and use of the infrastructure
Collaboration with ESCAPE: 
ESCAPE ESAP Work package is focusing on developing the ESCAPE Science Analysis Platform (SAP). This platform will be built on top of existing (EOSC) services and many of these services are provided by the CS3 community across Europe. Given that the CS3MESH4EOSC project also aims at creating storage sharing through making existing storage services interoperable, it matches perfectly with the ESCAPE strategy of developing the ESCAPE SAP. ESCAPE and CS3MESH collaboration will benefit both projects. Moreover, the projects both have LOFAR as a use case and have SURFsara as infrastructure provider, which will contribute the data processing and sharing capability within the astronomy community.
Expected Impact: 
Make easier for researchers to analyse open access data available through EOSC environment, as well as the identification of existing data collection.