One of the grand challenges of data-intensive science is to facilitate knowledge discovery by assisting humans and machines in their discovery of, access to, integration and analysis of, task-appropriate scientific data and their associated algorithms and workflows. Findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable/ re-producible (FAIR) data is an integral part in the process of opening up science and research. By improving the FAIR-ness of research data it will unlock the potential for both scientific research and society to draw from the benefits of this data, and also enable significant contribution to economic growth.

The FAIRsFAIR project addresses, in a 36 months timeplan, the development and concrete realisation of an overall ​knowledge infrastructure on academic quality data management, procedures, standards, metrics and related matters, based on the FAIR principles.

FAIRsFAIR Key facts

  • Starting date: March 1, 2019
  • Duration: 36 months
  • 22 partners from 8 Member States (MS)
  • 6 core partners: DANS (project coordinator), CSC, DCC, TrustIT, STFC, EUA
FAIRsFAIR aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. Emphasis is on fostering FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR. FAIRsFAIR will play a key role in the development of global standards for FAIR certification of repositories and the data within them contributing to those policies and practices that will turn the EOSC programme into a functioning infrastructure. In the end, FAIRsFAIR will provide a platform for using and implementing the FAIR principles in the day to day work of European research data providers and repositories. FAIRsFAIR will also deliver essential FAIR dimensions of the Rules of Participation (RoP) and regulatory compliance for participation in the EOSC. The EOSC governance structure will use these FAIR aligned RoPs to establish whether components of the infrastructure function in a FAIR manner.
Collaboration with ESCAPE: 
ESCAPE supports FAIRsFAIR’s work, not only through liaision with the FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force, but also by having Mark Allen as a member of FAIRsFAIR European Group FAIR Champions. Mark Allen, leader of the ESCAPE CEVO team. ESCAPE featured in the latest FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force Video as one of the research projects turning FAIR data into a reality in Europe.
Expected Impact: 
ESCAPE is working with the work aims to contribute to FAIR principles implementation through the definition of common standards for good practices in data access, deposition, sharing, management, curation and preservation.
Netherlands (the)