
Xavier obtained his PhD in Physics in Barcelona within the K2K long baseline neutrino experiment (Japan). In 2005, Xavier joined PIC, the Spanish Tier-1 center for LHC computing, and the ATLAS experiment collaboration where has started his career in scientific computing. Xavier held several roles in disributed operations, data processing and data management activities during the deployment and operation phase of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid.

He joined CERN as staff member in 2012 where he was Service Manager of the CERN Large Scale Storage Services (>100PB of disk and >300PB of tape storage at the time). During this period, he was the CERN-IT liaision with the fixed-target and neutrino experiments at CERN. Xavier is currently co-coordinating the WLCG project on Storage Consolidation, Datalakes and Data Access to address the future High Luminosoty LHC computing challenges. Xavier is leading the ESCAPE Work Package responsible to deploy a prototype Data Infrastructure for Open Science.