
Views 16,141

29 April 2021

29th April - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) with strong variability and emission seen across much of the electromagnetic spectrum are prime candidates for multiwavelength studies. Well before the 2008 launch of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) scientists started to develop plans for multiwavelength AGN studies. Approaches have included dedicated campaigns for specific AGN, public sharing of monitoring information for selected objects, outreach efforts to solicit cooperation by interested research groups, and rapid release by a variety of methods of gamma-ray information about AGN activity. An ongoing challenge remains the need to obtain simultaneous or contemporaneous broadband data in order to maximize the scientific return. This talk will summarize some of the strategies the Fermi-LAT team has employed, including those that proved successful and some that were not so fruitful.

More information about the webinars available on the dedicated webpage.

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Beginning in April 2021, the CTA Observatory (CTAO) and the CTA Consortium (CTAC) will launch the monthly webinar series “Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe,” focused on the various multi-wavelength (MWL) and multi-messenger (MM) synergies of CTA science with other instruments. Each webinar in the series, which are aimed at researchers in astrophysics and astronomy, will take place on the fourth Thursday of every month via Zoom. The time for each webinar will alternate between 17:00 UTC and 09:00 UTC to make the live connection more accessible to scientists in different time zones. The entire series is open and free to all researchers with a one-time registration.

Source: https://www.cta-observatory.org/outreach-education/events/webinars-researchers/