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27 January 2020 to 30 January 2020

From January 27 to January 30, ESCAPE members attended the Cloud Storage Services for Synchronization and Sharing (CS3) workshop and subsequently the CS3MESH4ESOCS project kick off meeting.

CS3 is a community of providers, developers and users of innovative storage and synchronisation and share systems. Since January this CS3 community develops further collaboration within the CS3MESH4EOSC project. The aim of the project is to "deliver the core of a scientific and educational infrastructure for cloud storage services in Europe through a lightweight federation of existing sync/share services and integration with multidisciplinary application workflows".

More info :

ESCAPE WP5 is focusing on developing the ESFRI Science Analysis Platform (ESAP). This platform will be built on top of existing (EOSC) services and many of these services are provided by the CS3 community across Europe. Therefore, the CS3 community is very important for ESCAPE, we do not have to reinvent the wheel. Given that the CS3MESH4EOSC project also aims at creating storage sharing through making existing storage services interoperable, it matches perfectly with the ESCAPE WP5 strategy of developing the Science Analysis Platform. Therefore, a close collaboration between the two projects will benefit both projects. Moreover, the projects both have LOFAR as a use case and have SURFsara as infrastructure provider, which will contribute the data processing and sharing capability within the astronomy community.