Feb 26, 2020 to Feb 27, 2020
ESCAPE events
The first ESCAPE progress meeting will take place on 26-27 February 2020 at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels. After the ESCAPE kickoff meeting in February 2019, this two-day progress meeting will bring together the H2020-ESCAPE consortium members, ESCAPE General Assembly members, ESCAPE external expert advisory board members as well as members from EOSC stakeholder projects.
Meeting Venue: Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium.
Meeting Dates: 26-27 February 2020
Registration deadline: 7 February 2020
Objective of the meeting: In the first year of the project all the ESCAPE workpackages have finalized their workplans. The ESCAPE progress meeting will provide a platform to the project members to discuss and identify interfaces between various workpackages and set-up cross workpackage groups. Some of the topics that will be discussed during this meeting includes AAI, Software repository and catalogue, ESCAPE Data Lake and Science Platform as well as Virtual Observatory access. Workpackage leads can also use this occasion to plan for the upcoming six months in view of the mid-term review in September 2020.
In addition, this event will provide an opportunity to the ESCAPE general assembly members and external expert advisory board members to review the activities carried out in the first year of the project. Over the last year, ESCAPE has also actively participated and contributed to the EOSC Executive Board Architecture Group as well as important EOSC events and meetings. During the progress meeting, we will discuss the present updates on the EOSC EB working groups and define how ESCAPE can contribute to these working groups. The event will also discuss the networking and collaboration with other EOSC cluster projects.
Who should attend?
More info and registrations: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20203/