
ESCAPE and EOSC Future 2nd Citizen Science Workshop
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15 September 2021 to 17 September 2021

This summer ESCAPE Citizen Science will be running our second online ESCAPE and EOSC Future Citizen Science workshop over three days between September 15th and September 17th. If you have a big dataset that could be usefully mined by human volunteers, then we’re keen to hear from you. At the workshop, you will learn from domain experts how to build a citizen science project from scratch using your data and the Zooniverse citizen science platform. Two hands-on hackdays will allow you to apply the skills you have learned with experienced project builders in attendance to help you get up and running quickly and easily.

Our first workshop focussed primarily on the scientific interests of the ESCAPE collaboration partners and provided a pedagogical introduction to deploying citizen science projects on the Zooniverse platform.We would like the second workshop to have a much broader scientific and social-scientific remit, so we are inviting expressions of interest from all of the EOSC science clusters. Do you have a Big data analysis that is particularly difficult to automate? Perhaps citizen science can help. The Zooniverse platform engages over 1 million enthusiastic volunteers from around the World and its success demonstrates that citizen science is an extremely powerful tool for analysing data across many scientific domains. Its most successful citizen science projects address compelling and easy-to-understand research questions and ask volunteers to perform tasks that are straightforward for non-experts, like simple pattern matching, object annotation or text transcription.

The first day of our workshop will feature keynote presentations from Zooniverse experts to provide an overview of what is possible using the platform and help crystallize the ideas you already have. Days two and three will be hands-on hack days with experts who can help you quickly get your projects up and running.

We are keen to hear from you if you or anyone associated with your EOSC cluster is interested in pursuing web-based citizen science as a data analysis tool. We are particularly keen to hear from researchers who have a large dataset that they think could be usefully mined by non-expert citizen scientists. We would also welcome expressions of interest from any researchers with citizen science success stories that they would like to present on the first day of the workshop.