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24 June 2019 to 26 June 2019

The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2019) in Lyon (France) took place between the 24th to 26th June. The conference is the annual professional astronomy and space science meeting of the European Astronomical Society, and is the largest in Europe. Over 1.200 leading researchers from around the world present their latest work at EWASS , covering a diverse range of topics, symposia and special sessions, ranging from the physics and chemistry of exoplanets, through galaxy formation, to planet formation, surveys & instruments, and outreach & diversity.

ESCAPE was invited to EWASS 2019 to do a presentation on to prototype a Data Infrastructure for Open Science

In the session "Data Science", Mark Allen (ESCAPE partner and Observatoire de Strasbourg) did a presentation entitled "FAIR data in Astronomy". The presentation also mentioned how ESCAPE Virtual Observatory (VO) aims to be a key for discovery and reuse, using common disciplinary International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) standards and fostering good practices for data access, deposition and sharing of data, as well as for data management curation and preservation. The ESCAPE VO will be a pioneer of data sharing with a well established alliance of international partners who cooperate to build the necessary interoperability standards.

Download ESCAPE Presentation at EWAAS 2019. Click here

Know more about ESCAPE Virtual Observatory. Click here

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