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Annecy (France)

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22 June 2020 to 01 July 2020

As a necessary response to the COVID19 epidemic outbreak and the recent travel restrictions, we are obliged to inform you that the ESCAPE Summer School entitled « Data Science for Astronomy, Astroparticle and Particle Physics », originally scheduled from June 22 to July 1st 2020, has been postponed.

This training was going to cover all your needs to achieve modern data analysis and develop in the collaborative and open source environment that will make tomorrow’s science. On the program there was environment and good coding practices; version control and collaborative development with git; Python packaging, scientific libraries for data science and analysis and machine learning. 

In order to ensure that the objectives of the Summer School are achieved, ESCAPE will schedule the event in a date to be defined. Stay tuned for updates.

The ESCAPE team