Virtual Event

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06 May 2020

ESCAPE joined the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Deployment Board virtual meeting, which took place on 6th May 2020. The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid is the global collaboration of computer centres distributes and stores LHC data, giving real-time access to physicists around the world.  It was launched in 2002 to provide a resource to store, distribute and analyse the 15 petabytes (15 million gigabytes) of data generated every year by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). ESCAPE has joined the initiative and is planning to use its infrastructure related to the ESCAPE DIOS development work.

In this meeting, Xavier Espinal, ESCAPE partner leading the development of ESCAPE DIOS, presented the latest development of ESCAPE DIOS, namely the setting up data access use cases for research infrastructures (e.g. LOFAR, CMS, ATLAS, LSST, CTA and SKA). Xavier also shared with the audience what will be be next steps and milestones regarding the development of the service

Check the official meeting page and the ESCAPE presentation

Know the latest developments of ESCAPE DIOS