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30 June 2020 to 31 August 2020

On June 30, Work Package 5 (WP5), the ESFRI Science Analysis Platform (ESAP) will start the Focus Months. The goal of this event is to engage all WP5 developers to integrate the ESAP services they are working on to make the ESAP prototype ready in September.


The services are, for example:

* Integration of RUCIO with ESAP Application Programming Interface (API) Gateway using RUCIO REST API to demonstrate data staging
* Searching for VO-enabled data through ESAP User Interface (UI)
* Integration with interactive data analysis tools, such as start Jupyter notebook in a cloud environment
* Integration with HPC and HTC infrastructures

After the Focus Months, a first release of the ESAP minimum prototype will be available to try out to integrate other services into ESAP.

The first results will be discussed at the ESAP Tech Talk on July 20. If you are interested in the development and discussions, you can join the Tech Talks. 


More info about the Focus Months and Tech talk will be available on indico: