Rome, Italy

Sharing Ahead 2022
Views 242,832

03 November 2022 to 04 November 2022

SHARING AHEAD 2022 will see leading scientists and science communicators from the EU and around the world present the latest cutting-edge public outreach activities in astronomy and space science. Two days’ conference will cover topics and case studies as diverse as the AHEAD 2020 consortium partners are. The Meeting aims at promoting the public engagement, press and social media activities in the field of astrophysics, willing to explore the role of the Research Institution in the present-day communicating science development. At the same time, the Meeting provides an opportunity to strengthen the collaborations and establish new links among the members of AHEAD 2020 Consortium and the members of other EU funded Science Projects, as well as researchers working in the same and in related fields.

The Meeting will host both invited talks and oral communications. The official language will be English. Two special workshops will be led by expert communicators on the second day of the Meeting. A poster session will be hosted on the premise of the Meeting. The SHARING 2022 Poster Award for the Best Poster will be awarded during the Congress. Meeting arrangements and a full and up-to-date schedule of the scientific program can be found on the official website and via the conference's Instagram account.

ESCAPE at the Event

On 3rd November at 12.00 PM CET, James Pearson (The Open University and member of ESCAPE project) will explain how ESCAPE has been developing and managing scientifically-driven crowdsourced data mining via mass participation experiments, through the ESCAPE Citizen Science).