The 21st edition of ACAT will bring together computational experts from a wide range of disciplines, including particle-, nuclear-, astro-, and accelerator-physics as well as high performance computing. Through this unique forum, we will explore the areas where these disciplines overlap with computer science, fostering the exchange of ideas related to cutting-edge computing, data-analysis, and theoretical-calculation technologies.
There are numerous opportunities for impressive global science, but more and more of these opportunities require the worldwide interoperation of digital infrastructures that deliver compute, storage, and network services and scientific environments designed to deposit and exploit digital assets.
The European Astronomical Society (EAS) Annual Meeting (formerly known as EWASS, and earlier JENAM) has more than 25 years of tradition and it has imposed itself as the largest conference for European astronomy.
The event is open to policy makers, repository managers, researchers and Early Adopters willing to know more about the ARCHIVER model and the technical solutions implemented.
Stephen Serjeant, Astronomy Professor at Open University and leader of ESCAPE Engagement and Communication Work Package, was invited as ESCAPE representative to chair roundtable discussions on both open science and citizen science.
The 2nd Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC JENAS-Seminar (jointly organized by IEM - UGr - LSC - IFCA - UCM) will be held from May 3rd to 6, 2022 in Madrid, Spain. The JENAS-Seminar is a prestigious joint meeting of particle, nuclear and astroparticlephysics scientific communities exploring synergies and highlighting recent achievements and challenges.
The one-day event will centre on the European policy context surrounding and supporting the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative. The agenda’s panel discussions and presentations will tackle a host of trending topics, using concrete implementation examples, including the status and progress of open science, EOSC more generally, FAIR data and policies.
The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) Interoperability Meeting will be as an on-line event from April 25-26, 2022. It will be the fifth Interoperability Meeting to be organised on-line due to the continuing COVID-19 virus global pandemic.
The Scalable Cyberinfrastructure to support Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (SCiMMA) project invited ESCAPE to present its goals and word, specially the latested developments on ESCAPE DIOS and ESCAPE ESAP.