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04 February 2020 to 06 February 2020

The first major face-to-face meeting of the whole ESCAPE Virtual Observatory (VO) for Astronomy Working Group will be held in Strasbourg from 4th to 6th February 2020.

This three-days forum is organised as a very technical working meeting which includes presentations on the current progress, and also dedicated "hackathon" sessions for detailed discussions and coding.

This event will serve as an important step, in particular for the planning of the deliverables and preparation for the ESCAPE activities in the next International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) meeting (Sydney, 4-8 May 2020).

Mark Allen, ESCAPE VO Work Package leader and Francoise Genova (CNRS), member of ESCAPE consortium, are organizing this forum.

Know more about this event: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20005/