May 04, 2020 to May 08, 2020
Conferences & Events
A virtual IVOA Interoperability meeting takes place online from May 4 to May 8.
The Virtual Observatory (VO) is the vision that astronomical datasets and other resources should work as a seamless whole. Many projects and data centres worldwide are working towards this goal. The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) is an organisation that debates and agrees the technical standards that are needed to make the VO possible. It also acts as a focus for VO aspirations, a framework for discussing and sharing VO ideas and technology, and body for promoting and publicising the VO.
The IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Programme is available here: Virtual Interop 2020 Programme Page
There will be 24 sessions spread over the week, with timing set up to take into account different time zones around the world. There are sessions that will be of interest across different areas of ESCAPE and ESCAPE Virtual Observatory Work Package is of course involved in many of the sessions:
This meeting represented an important step for ESCAPE as there is a high level of coherence between the direction of the international IVOA and needs of the ESCAPE partners.
One of ESCAPE’s main objectives is indeed to assess and implement the connection of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and other astronomy and astroparticle research infrastructures to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) through the Virtual Observatory framework, actively contributing to the setting up of the EOSC services.