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13 April 2021 to 15 April 2021


The ESCAPE WP4 Technology Forum 2 is an online event that aims to update the astronomy and particle physics communities on the progress of the ESCAPE Connecting ESFRI projects to EOSC through VO framework (CEVO) tasks:

  • Task 4.1 - Integration of astronomy VO data and services into the EOSC
  • Task 4.2 – Implementation of FAIR principles for ESFRI data through the Virtual Observatory
  • Task 4.3 – Adding value to trusted content in astronomy archives
  • Prepare the ESCAPE input for the May 2021 IVOA Interoperability meeting
  • Strengthen the cross-WP activities with WP3, WP5 and WP2
  • Planning for the WP4 activities in the 2nd part of the ESCAPE project
  • Work together on practicial implementations!

Location and Schedule

Due to the on-going covid-19 pandemic, this Technology Forum will be held as an on-line event.
The presentation sessions are organised in the mornings and hack-a-thon interactions in the afternoons, with the final conlcuding session on Thursday afternoon.


13 April 2021

Time Title Speaker
09:00 Welcome and logistics Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS) , Hendrik Heinl (CDS/ObAS)
09:10 Overview of ESCAPE and WP4 status Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)
09:30 Task 4.1 Summary and Status Marco Molinaro (INAF)
09:50 Task 4.2 Summary and Status François Bonnarel (CDS ObAS CNRS Université de Strasbourg)
10:10 Task 4.3 Summary and Status Martino Romaniello (ESO)
10:40 Virtual Coffee Break  
11:00 Provenance update and intro for Provenance hack-a-thon Mathieu Servillat (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris)
11:15 How the ESO Archive makes use of VO Technologies Alberto Micol
11:40 Using Neutrino data - a KM3NeT perspective Jutta Schnabel (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
12:05 UCD and TAP service for solar physics Veronique Delouille (STCE/Royal Observatory of Belgium)
12:45 Lunch Break  
14:00 Hack-a-thon on VO and Solar data/services  
15:00 Hack-a-thon: Provenance Mathieu Servillat (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris)


14 April 2021

Time Title Speaker
09:00 Feedback from the 1st Science with interoperable data schoo Enrique Solano
09:20 CTA Dr Matthias Fuessling (CTAO gGmbH) , Catherine Boisson (LUTH, Obs. Paris-Meudon)
09:45 Multi Order Coverage data structure to plan multi-messenger observations Giuseppe Greco (INFN-Perugia)
10:05 A VO service for the European VLBI Network Mark Kettenis (JIVE)
10:30 Virtual coffee break  
11:10 Using semantics to give B2Find better metadata Markus Demleitner
11:30 VESPA-Cloud Mr Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris)
11:50 Data Model usage in the VO Laurent Michel (Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)
12:10 Intro for VO Validation hack-a-thon Mark Taylor (University of Bristol)
12:50 Lunch Break  
14:00 Hack-a-thon on ESFRI requirements for VO: Hack-a-thon on ESFRIs Download 1 ; Download 2
15:00 Hack-a-thon VO Validation  
17:00 Hack-a-thon: pgsphere Convener: Hendrik Heinl (CDS/ObAS)


15 April 2021

Time Title Speaker
09:00 ESAP Gateway API + GUI, current implementation status Nico Vermaas
09:30 WP4 - WP5 topics Stelios Voutsinas
09:50 Software metadata in the IVOA Dave Morris (University of Edinburgh)
10:10 Apertif DR1 integration into ASTRON VO service Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
10:30 Mining the EVN Archive using JupyterLab and the VO Aard Keimpema (JIVE)
10:50 Virtual coffee break  
11:10 Hack-a-thon: Cross-WP activities: Including VO and Platforms  
12:30 Lunch Break  
14:00 Hack-a-thon Feedback Reports Download 1 ; Download 2 ; Download 3
14:45 Discussion / Planning  
15:05 Conclusions and next steps  Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)


Top level info for WP4 is maintained on the Wiki pages: