02 November 2020 to 06 November 2020

Tools for High Energy Physics and Cosmology

TOOLS 2020, Tools for High Energy Physics and Cosmology, will be a hybrid in-person/online event at the Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon[...]

ESCAPE ESAP Progress Meeting
26 October 2020 to 27 October 2020

ESCAPE ESAP Progress Meeting


The purpose of the meeting is to share ESCAPE ESAP progress with all WP5 partners, other work packages and ESCAPE ESFRIs. Since the end of June[...]

19 October 2020 to 21 October 2020

EOSC Symposium 2020


This year's largest event organised by the EOSC Executive & Governing Boards with the support of the

06 October 2020 to 07 October 2020

2nd ESFRI RIs-EOSC Workshop "Research Infrastructures shaping EOSC" goes digital


The 2nd Workshop on the connection of ESFRI Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European[...]

28 September 2020

ESCAPE at Kick-off workshop of CERN, SKAO, GÉANT and PRACE collaboration on High-Performance Computing


ESCAPE is attending, on 29th September 2020, the Kick-off workshop of a

03 September 2020

I want to be an Open Scientist! InfraEOSC 5 projects at the Euroscience Open Forum 2020


Everybody is talking about Open Science and FAIR data but can you really make a living (and a good career) out of it?[...]

23 July 2020 to 28 July 2020

ESCAPE Workshop on Open-Source Software Life Cycles


Software development is an integral part of modern science, gaining knowledge from data. All ESCAPE partners develop and

