ESCAPE and Open Science Documentary: Towards finding solutions in science to solve societal challenges

ESCAPE has produced a 20 minute-long documentary explaining how it cracked the challenge of open science and put Europe ahead of the game. The documentary provides an overview of all ESCAPE results and how each one collectively contribute to make science in Europe a more fluid approach. This is explained through the eyes of ESCAPE big cheeses, the coordinators behind the development of ESCAPE five versatile solutions for the management, curation and deposition of data, while following FAIR principles in the different stages of the scientific process: ESCAPE DIOS, ESCAPE OSSR, ESCAPE VO, ESCAPE ESAP and ESCAPE CS.

Back in 2019, ESCAPE defined open science goals that were shooting for the moon. The project wanted to improve scientists’ capabilities for producing, processing, storing, sharing and accessing data amounts in a science system that makes this process as smooth as possible. There was freedom to explore and what needed to be done was not rocket science. The impactful results  achieved today by ESCAPE were possible not thanks to one’s lucky stars, but thanks to the collaborative work of research infrastructures, researchers and scientists, who were at the centre of this open science endeavor.

It was a long way to improve the way data is understood, observed, shared and analysed, all in a single environment, and ESCAPE jumped through several hoops. Today ESCAPE adds value to data, thanks to innovative data management services and scientific platforms that make data open and accessible beyond the scientific community, thanks to its five services. Along with EOSC Future initiative, two science projects (Dark Matter and Extreme Universe Gravitational Waves) were created to understand deepest secrets of the universe, to demonstrate cutting-edge science capabilities and drive the integration of research data and services across scientific domains.

ESCAPE is one of the five members of the ESFRI (SSHOC – Social Sciences and Humanities, PANOSC – Photon and Neutron, ENVRI-FAIR - Environment, EOSC-LIFE – Biological and Medical), who are together providing a thematic gathering point for the activities required to make the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) a reality by facilitating access to research data.

Watch the ESCAPE Documentary and understand how it’s making Open Science more transparent, collaborative and inclusive

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