20 June 2020

Building Open Science in Europe: The road ahead for EU Member States and the EOSC community

Tallinn, Estonia

eInfraCentral invites researchers from public and private sectors, e-infrastructure service providers, research infrastructures and policy-makers[...]

18 May 2020 to 20 May 2020

EOSC-hub Week 2020 (Virtual)


As EOSC-hub joins the rest of the European scientific community and the world in being responsible in #flatteningthecurve of the COVID-19 pandemic[...]

04 May 2020 to 08 May 2020

The IVOA Interoperability meeting being held as a virtual meeting!


A virtual IVOA Interoperability meeting takes place online from May 4 to May 8.

The Virtual Observatory (VO) is the vision that[...]

FAIRsFAIR Second Synchronisation Workshop
29 April 2020 to 11 June 2020

FAIRsFAIR Second Synchronisation Workshop


The workshop is one of three being organised by the Synchronisation Force during the life of the FAIRsFAIR project and will unite representatives from the Working Groups of the EOSC Executive Board, the ESFRI clusters, the INFRAEOSC5 projects, and the European Group of FAIR Champions in discussions around the six pillars of the FAIR Expert group report Turning FAIR into Reality.

10 March 2020 to 12 March 2020

ESCAPE at the RUCIO community workshop in Fermilab

Fermilab LPC (LHC Physics Center)

ESCAPE project is presented at the RUCIO community workshop that will be held in FNAL (IL, US)[...]

10 March 2020 to 12 March 2020

3rd Rucio Community Workshop


The 3rd Rucio Community Workshop will be devoted to the information exchange between the Rucio developers, service administrators and the various interested communities in order to collect feedback and requirements.

17 February 2020

Ten things you can do to support the FAIR data culture - FAIRsFAIR workshop at IDCC20

Dublin, Ireland

Realising the necessary culture change among researchers in all disciplines depends upon other stakeholders in the research[...]

22 January 2020

ESCAPE at Journée EOSC au CNRS

Paris (France)

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative of the European Commission which aims to connect existing European[...]
