29 September 2021

ESCAPE: mid-term objectives and results

To take stock of progress, ESCAPE organised a virtual meeting at the end of September, which brought together around 100 participants, consortium members, members of its General...

High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider -  a brighter future on matter fundamental components study
17 September 2021

High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider - a brighter future on matter fundamental components study

he new High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is an upgrade to the LHC, with one of the important factors being a significant increase in luminosity – the number...

13 August 2021

ESCAPE and ESFRI: overcoming common data-driven challenges through innovative FAIR data services

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a self-regulated body that supports a strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in...

European Solar Telescope – a large-aperture solar telescope for first class ground-based solar research
13 July 2021

European Solar Telescope – a large-aperture solar telescope for first class ground-based solar research

The European Solar Telescope (EST), to be functional by 2027, in the Canary Islands, will be a next generation large-aperture solar telescope, optimised for studies of the magnetic coupling of the...

01 July 2021

Real success for the virtual ESCAPE Summer School on Data Science for Astronomy, Astroparticle & Particle Physics

With more than 1000 registrations, the ESCAPE Summer School on Data Science for Astronomy, Astroparticle & Particle Physics was held online from 7 to 18 June 2021.


29 June 2021

ESCAPE at the EOSC Governance Symposium 2021

In 2021, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The...

24 June 2021

ESFRI Science Clusters' Long Term Commitments to Open Science

Online on 11 June 2021, this workshop aimed at addressing potential sustainable actions to consolidate the cluster work programmes as well as presenting to the European Commission, ESFRI...

22 June 2021

EOSC Future Call for Evaluators

After its official kick-off last week, EOSC Future is going into high gear with the launch of a call for external evaluators...

03 June 2021

ESFRI Science Clusters Position Statement on Expectations and Long-Term Commitment in Open Science

The Science Clusters delivered a new position paper with a formal explanation of the urgent need of EC to support a longer-term role of the five Science Clusters to provide content to the EOSC, to...
