The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a self-regulated body that supports a strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe. It aims to increase European competitiveness in research and innovation by filling in existing gaps in research capability, upgrade existing operational pan-European research infrastructures for the coming 10-20 years and, ultimately, turn Europe into an incubator for pan-European and global research infrastructures.

ESCAPE has partnered with the ESFRI and various world-class astrophysics and particle physics, to validate its outputs and help them to address profound questions about the structure and evolution of the universe.


ESCAPE and ESFRI: multi-disciplinary open access data management services to support the implementation of the EOSC

ESCAPE is addressing the Open Science challenges shared by the ESFRI facilities (SKA, CTA, KM3Net, EST, HL-LHC and FAIR), as well as other pan-European research infrastructures (CERN, ESO and JIVE).

The data produced and handled by the ESFRI facilities part of ESCAPE require innovative solutions and services to be processed and stored. Through ESCAPE, these the ESFRI shares the mission to grant researchers open access to their scientific data to increase the potential for innovation, maximise software co-development and re-use, identify open standards for software release and investigate data mining tools and new analysis technique.

By bringing together the astroparticle and particle physics communities, ESCAPE is producing a set of key exploitable results that will overcome these communities’ data-driven research challenges and will support the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) thanks to multi-disciplinary open access data management practices that follow the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable):

  • ESCAPE Data Infrastructure for Open Science (ESCAPE DIOS): A modular ecosystem of cloud storage services from different facilities (datalake) that can be deployed by the user from a single entry;
  • ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform (ESCAPE ESAP): A platform composed of services to identify and stage open data and filter scientific workflows and software to connect them to high performance computing and cloud data processing infrastructures to access that data and execute those workflows;
  • ESCAPE Open-source scientific Software and Service Repository (ESCAPE OSSR): A sustainable open-access scientific repository of software and services;
  • ESCAPE Virtual Observatory (ESCAPE VO): The Virtual Observatory is an established and operational interoperability framework of open standards for the implementation of FAIR principles to astronomy data;
  • ESCAPE Citizen Science (ESCAPE CS): An ambitious astronomy and astroparticle physics programme of scientific public engagement that trains and educates the general public interested in participating in scientific research in the usage and implementation of the ESCAPE services and ESFRI facilities.


ESCAPE for ESFRI: addressing data management and open science challenges

Thanks to ESCAPE, the ESFRIs are able to use innovative solutions to overcome their data management challenges. Below there are a few examples of how the ESCAPE services will be used by the ESFRI:

  • KM3NeT: The ESCAPE DIOS will provide a potential federated data infrastructure to manage KM3NeT’s data and combine it with other data from large national research data centres to multi-Exabyte levels;
  • EGO-VIRGO: The ESCAPE ESAP will allow EGO-VIRGO to access and combine data from multiple sources and then process and analyse it, while through the ESCAPE OSSR, EGO-VIRGO will access a wide list of software and innovative tools for data analysis;
  • JIVE: To make its data easier to find for researchers, JIVE will employ the ESCAPE VO, while the ESCAPE ESAP will link the data produced by JIVE with the different kinds of software that can process it on the ESCAPE OSSR;
  • SKA: SKA will use the ESCAPE DIOS prototype data lake to improve its federated distributed storage solutions, including data management and usage;
  • FAIR: The ESCAPE DIOS will deliver a distributed storage infrastructure, while the ESCAPE OSSR will make FAIR data processing tools and frameworks available to the scientific community;
  • ESO: The ESCAPE DIOS will provide potential solutions to streamline and optimize ESO’s data management and data access needs;


In the following months, ESCAPE will keep working with the ESFRI to onboard new services and software. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with our activities and learn how you can benefit from our services.


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