31 May 2021

Vacancy notices: "Searching for Dark Matter and investigating the Extreme Universe within the ESCAPE Consortium"

A number of Postdoctoral Research posts are being recruited, across the ESCAPE collaboration, for Dark Matter physics and Multi-messenger Astronomy, to build new open science tools as part of the...

24 May 2021

Blogpost - ESCAPE at the RDA House of Commons

Representatives from ESFRI Clusters SSHOC, PaNOSC, ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC-Life and ESCAPE, other EOSC related projects ARCHIVER, FAIRsFAIR, as well as TRIPLE and RDA came together to debate the...

30 April 2021

ESCAPE involved in th joint ECFA-APPEC-NuPECC activities

Initiated by the European Committees for Astroparticle (APPEC), Particle (ECFA) and Nuclear Physics (NuPECC), and following a first joint ...

ESCAPE DIOS: supporting CMS Experiment in obtaining maximum value from its data through with High Performance Computing
16 March 2021

ESCAPE DIOS: supporting CMS Experiment in obtaining maximum value from its data through with High Performance Computing

ESCAPE joined forces with Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. ESCAPE is connecting the ESCAPE DIOS (Data Infrastructure for Open Science) service, an infrastructure adapted to Exabyte-scale...

11 March 2021

ESCAPE OSSR | Enhancing science through sharing software - benefits & use cases post webinar report

On Wednesday 17th February 2021 the ESCAPE consortium held the “...

ESCAPE DIOS Workshop: A Full Dress Rehearsal Exercise of the ESCAPE pilot Data Lake
24 February 2021

ESCAPE DIOS Workshop: A Full Dress Rehearsal Exercise of the ESCAPE pilot Data Lake

Between 9 and 10 December 2020, ESCAPE DIOS team, which is behind the development of the ESCAPE DIOS (Data Infrastructure for Open Science) service, organised the second edition of ESCAPE DIOS...

The Cherenkov Telescope Array – unveiling the deepest secrets of the gamma-ray Universe
04 February 2021

The Cherenkov Telescope Array – unveiling the deepest secrets of the gamma-ray Universe

Cosmic rays are energetic particles that constantly rain down on the Earth’s atmosphere. In the most extreme cosmic sources, they interact with other particles and magnetic or...

Launch of the Initial ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform with discovery & data staging
19 January 2021

Launch of the Initial ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform with discovery & data staging

ESCAPE has launched the initial prototype of the ESCAPE ESAP (ESFRI Science Analysis Platform), allowing, for the moment, data discovery and data staging of data catalogues that...

06 January 2021

Integrating ESCAPE Virtual Observatory Data and Services into the EOSC – Latest updates

ESCAPE CEVO team has as its main challenge the seamless connection of ESFRIs and other astronomy and astroparticle research infrastructures (RI) to the European Open Science...
